Hello, my lovely followers!
I feel like it's, yet again, time for another apology. This semester has kept me busier than I realized, and I apologize profusely for my neglect! You know I love you all and love providing you with fun, affordable fashion!
That being said, I would like to let everyone know that Meganista is officially "Under Construction" and will be undergoing some structural ch-ch-ch-changes this month! I want to make it the best site possible for all of you, and that requires changing things up a little bit (without overwhelming myself, let's be honest!).
So, before 2012 rolls around, expect a lot more updates and new segments! And, as always, suggestions are always welcome for what kinds of things you all would like to read, see, etc. I'll try to find some good deals and coupon codes to share with you beautiful people as well!
I hope this post finds you all happy and embracing the holiday spirit! (The nice one, not the Scrooge one.)
Expect to hear from me again soon!
Love always,